Sunday, March 13, 2005

Researching and preparing

I've spent today preparing for publication in one form or another.

I have researched self-publishers/pods. I have twenty companies to research on their contracts and reputation now. I need these for the non-fiction book I'm collaborating with an aspiring photographer for. And I have long term plans of fitting an anthology in for Whispering Spirits in 2007. We've tentatively started working out the dates for it, just have to get the preliminary planning underway and then have the reading period start in 2006.

We've worked out the details for the 2005 Flash Fiction contest. I'm still waiting on feedback from one of my editors before I can make it official and announce it.

My current main WIP (TKQ:Book 1) goal is 96100 words. I'm at 72700 words right now. I hope to add 3000 to that tomorrow.

My current side WIP (unnamed) goal is 50000 words. I'm at 25000. Current progress is in the editing phase for world development and some changes. My creation story is up on the workshops, where some love it and some hate it. I plan on taking it down this week and working it to get the basis of my world's belief system down right. Editing will start right away, so this book is ready to go when TKQ novels are done.

In tomorrow's mail, "Elusive Creatures" goes out once again. It's been rejected three times so far, but I have hope for it. The story was well loved by my readers.

The plans now are:
1. To revise "The Journey Made" to fit the markets I want to send it to. I will probably post it for comments on the workshop this week.
2. To go through the stories and poems and determine the next ones to go out.
3. To start a story for the ghost contest.
4. To finish book one and get book two underway in time to show off at April's conference. Not much time left!


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