Friday, December 21, 2007

December 21, 2007

I’m an affiliate of Holly Lisle's Shop.
I’m a member of her website;
and I subscribe to her newsletter.

One of the valuable resources recently presented to me is a free mini course, “Create Your Professional Plot Outline.” I, of course, snagged it right up. Not because I have problems with plotting (yet), but because Holly Lisle’s techniques are motivating, thought-provoking.

In this, she presents the plotting technique of using your character as a starting point in this mini-course. I chose my character Oriel. It worked great!

Now, I have sent those results off to the side now. I have to complete the other projects first. But I am excited to try this method with other projects. Even to fill in blanks on a few projects where I feel I need more content.

I’m also interested in if I will come up with a reason to use her techniques in building a two-book series into three. I have a two-book series that works as is. But there is the chance an agent, publisher, editor, etc. would request that I make it into three. I know what happens during a two-year period I can build that third book from, but not the guts of it. I believe her plotting techniques would help me a lot there.

This mini-course tells me all I need to know about her full clinic: “Holly Lisle’s Create A Plot Clinic.” Buy it now! You’ll be glad you did, and so will your characters.

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