Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dagan and changes

While I've been reviewing my order of events and the things I have happen in the novel, I've noticed that Dagan's personality changed from book one to book two. By the end of book one, he's a confident leader. At the beginning of book two, he's struggling again to have the appearance of a king. It doesn't jive, so I'm going to rewrite that. I don't think it'll take much. He does need to be a little nervous. He is asked to accompany Taun and Chadric to see the Father of All, Zuron - a superior god and one he doesn't worship like they do. So it would be awkward. But he should still have confidence.

I've figured out where he meets Shania - I'm thinking it's best to add her to the list of characters who get pov scenes.

Also, Dragonlady has helped me figure out a new name for Gank that captures his personality better. He's now Gaerwyn. That's probably the spelling for it that I'll settle - have to see what it reads like once I replace Gank with it.


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