Monday, January 02, 2006

Crystal Rain Review

Book Review: Crystal Rain

Price: $24.95 Hardcover
Length: 352 pages
ISBN: 0-765-31227-1
Publisher: TOR
Publisher's Website:
Publication Date: February 2006
Genre: Science Fiction
Author: Tobias Buckell
Author Website:

For centuries, a mountain chain called the Wicked High Mountains protected the people from the savagery of the Azteca. But the Azteca, under the guidance of the Teotl, secretly built a tunnel through the mountains and prepared for the day they would be able to take over the land on the other side.

When the Azteca march upon the peoples by the thousands, John deBrun, must escape from them and recover his lost memories in order to save the people. Meeting up with new friends and old, John's journey is filled with challenges.

In a quick-paced, page-turning novel, Tobias Buckell brings us a story rich in character depth, vivid detail, and fascinating culture. Once I was finally able to sit down with this book, there was no way I was going to stop.

The combination of Science Fiction with a lost culture produced an intriguing read. There was just enough technology to make the story interesting without taking away from the rich natural environment. He did a great job allowing me to see and understand the areas I was not familiar with.

His characters lived, they suffered, they rejoiced equally - both young and old, male and female. Characters on both sides were intelligent and real, both sides had emotions and needs and concerns. It really balanced out well.

I especially loved Pepper. I would have never thought of naming him Pepper, but it just worked so well. He is a character who would be difficult to give depth to, but Tobias pulled it off beautifully.

Crystal Rain is a definite must read. Perfect for those slow, lazy days when your life needs a little excitement.


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