How to Find Your Writing Discipline
I bought and have fully used Holly Lisle's "How to Find Your Writing Discipline" critical skills series.
This is a great tool for the busy writer, especially those new to the writing career, such as myself. I did have to tweak it a little because I'm working on setting up my work in both copywriting and freelance writing.
Now to be fair, I didn't have multi-colored index cards, so I had to use paper. And I did have an idea of perhaps using colored post-it notes instead. I may try that next week.
The ten-minute strategy is Holly's strength in this course. It really is magic when you think of everything in ten minute increments. ANY ONE who is having a hard time organizing their time to meet their goals should get this course.
This week, of course, is a bit jumbled because of holiday time with the family. Monday and Tuesday were out as work days. Then yesterday went downhill fast, when I found a problem with my wonderful dog Sable and got her to the vet - which involves a lot of time since we only have one car and hubby had to work. So between the scheduled dog baths in morning and the running for Sable - I only got about an hour to work on anything. The circumstances weren't conducive to writing, so I worked on the website instead. Finally set my homepage the way I want it.
As for Sable - She has a huge cyst that gets removed on the 11th or 19th. Then it will be tested for cancer. I suspect cancer. There's been a lot of things I've been fighting and she's had skin problems for years - these things make me think it will be cancer. By the end of the month, I should find out.
In the meantime, I've used Holly Lisle's method of breaking everything down into ten minute increments. I have 12.25 hours of work for today and tomorrow. Not really that bad - a lot of time is studying and reading research, so it won't feel like that long. I only scheduled 2 hours each day of revision work on TKQ ... that's the part of the job that feels long to me. LOL
Labels: Holly Lisle, writing resources
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