Wednesday, May 14, 2008

On being a writer

And all that comes with it.

I'm a hermit type of person. I like my privacy. I like not being the center of attention. But once you're published and you have a fan base, that goes away. And sometimes you're targeted.

BUT I would like to be financially successful at it. And that means taking the good with the bad.

This has been on my mind since last night's episode of Murder She Wrote. Jessica is targeted because her plot in a mystery book is like that of another real-life incident that she knew nothing about.

In this world, it's so easy to come up with a storyline that mimics someone else's life, or a storyline that is close to another's creation, without any knowledge of the other's existence. If most people weren't so busy, this type of thing would probably crop up all the time.

I have no fear of being a writer. No fear of being published. But I do have a fear of being targeted. Guess it's a fear I'll have to deal with.

In the meantime, I have to go check Mundania Press's reading periods before I get the manuscript out to them. Seems there's a change in them.


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