Saturday, March 15, 2008

Agent Searching

I chose eight agents to start with and have queries out with them for TKQ. It's been awhile, but not that long. So to have a rejection come in already was a little disheartening. The worse thing about it was that this came from the agent at the top of the list. The one I REALLY wanted.

But I am glad I know for sure now. If, by chance, I had gotten an offer from one of the others, I would have been tempted to drag my feet hoping for his response before giving my final decision.

Not that I am too saddened by this. I know how this business works and how the market is right now. There's a good chance that no one will pick me up - unless I just happen to hit them at the right time. Can we say "wheel of fortune"?

I do have back up plans - and I'm going for it rather than just wait and wait on agent searching. If those eight turn me down, I will go to the next step. Not self-publishing. That's not the route for TKQ.


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