Making the jump finally
Well, I've started sending agent queries out for TKQ. It took me quite awhile to decide whether or not I wanted to go with an agent. In the end, I determined that if I wanted to work multiple projects, it might be a good idea to have someone else handling the business end of it for me.
I've been a bit overwhelmed by the copywriting side of the business. Not with jobs, mind you, but with keeping my head on straight and having the motivation to properly wade through the mess of start up, stepping out of my comfort zone, and the mass of life stress that's being thrown at me right now.
Plus we're having the flu make its rounds through the household. Hasn't stopped me from working. Doing a lot of fiction revisions right now and setting up some article topics. But I have postponed any personal meetings I wanted to set up until next week. Not very professional to ask for a business meeting when you're coughing and look like 'death warmed over.'
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