Monday, March 03, 2008

Fan Stories

I wasn't much for fan stories myself. I do have a friend who created a complete set of fan stories based on the characters of a tv show during our teenage years. Recently, I became interested in it for a storyline within the game URU.

As a member of Friends of the Fissure, I am a key character in our own storyline. Elpis is my character and mainly my part is taking care of her journals. I'm also working on ideas for an Age Creation to go with it. The loss of URU's publisher is a blow to our plans, but it has also made us that much more determined.

This is not an easy venture. We hope to tie this into the storyline that Cyan created, while respecting their creation. The plan was to work this slowly over a span of two years. May not take that long to do the part we slated for that section.

I did have Elpis take out extra linking books from the cavern that the DRC hadn't discovered yet. URU will live again. Somehow the game will be back. In the meantime, we'll keep making our own Ages for the game.

The progress of various multi-player games over this past year and some of the future advances planned for these games do make me think. Game writing may become another broadspread venue for writers. Many games are encouraging fan creation. Whether we participate for play and something outside our own fiction-writing 'jobs', or if we do create storylines officially for the game creators, it shows promise for writers.

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