Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Under the weather

Our clan has the cold bug that's been going around. Well, except for our son, who we kept getting on for not wearing the proper clothes when it was cold out. Go figure!

My sister also has back surgery tomorrow. My parents are still sick from probably a cold flu.

It wouldn't be so bad, but I'm so tired and yet I can't sleep. I know - take stronger meds. Can't. They raise my blood pressure and I'm a weirdo - can't handle full doses of most synthetic meds either. So, I'm fighting it the best I can. Might still have to get more antibiotics from it settling in my throat. I'm really fighting that and hoping I don't have to. I hate strept throat!

So, I'm resting. No Whispering Spirits work, website work, or anything taxing while home. Doing a little revisioning, research work, books on tape - that sort of thing. Moving forward ever so slowly....


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