Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14, 2006

I think we’ve finally got the computer situation set up at home. If I can work tonight, I’ll get to work on website building and emails to the editors.

Progress on writing:
Dancing Wind (story for WS Halloween issue) is complete and just needs to be posted to the workgroups and revised.

TKQ - Write in progressing well. Finished the spreadsheet for the wordcount and pov stats. Found a logical flow flaw in the later chapters during building the spreadsheet. Dagan connects with Taun and helps her through a situation. Only, that situation doesn’t happen to her until three chapters later. That area will need some serious reworking when I get to that point in the write in. Next, I am creating a spreadsheet to help me track when characters appear. I think a few were brought in and then just melted into the background - and that won’t work for important characters.

PLS - First draft progressing forward. Not as fast as it should because of other progress, but still making its stand. (no pun intended)

BOE - In world building status. Haven’t worked anymore on the world building during this time. At this point jotting notes down here and there. (this one will be in the building phase for a few years yet I think)

It’s been anthology time - and now we’re going to start the story edits and I have a lot of crits to catch up on. Plus the website building. So I don’t plan on having too much going on with the fiction writing for a while yet.

Copywriting is not progressing as fast as it should. But I’ve made great progress and feel really positive about my ability to kick out quality dm letters. Been talking to someone about a fundraising letter too.


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