Sunday, May 28, 2006

The End of May

Trying to do a bit of editing and writing both today. I need to gather markets for both my daughter and I to send submissions to, but the internet is still acting up. It has been for a few weeks now and it's so frustrating. Makes it very hard to do the non-fiction and fiction research also. And of course the library's not open as a backup. If I need to, I'll go to the office though and use the computer there.

There's a lot of 'bringing out' I want to do to book one yet, and I'm preparing to do that. But first I'm going to do the first revisions on the first chapter of book two. I have a small bit to add into chapter two and then I can post chapters two and three for crits. I'll repost chapter one on CoRT and NCO, but think I'll skip OWW for awhile. I've got a few crits for NCO to do, and I'll copy four more to do crits on OWW soon and post another sub there … maybe one of the stories.

I've went through my stories and poems, thinking I'd have a lot to send out again. I do, sort of, but not as much as I'd like to have. I'm going to have to really work on more stories. I've gotten two more thought completely out and need to write those before they leave me completely.

Other than that, I think I have about fifty-two stories to read for the anthology now. I think I'll weed them down to forty, if that many are good enough, and pass a first batch onto the editors for their reading and scoring. I have to make the score sheets out for them on those yet too.


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