Sweet Spot Map Work
I took a break last night to work on my sweet spot map. I cleaned off the dining room table and have claimed it all for the map, and the novel work - we have a small table, but it's still a large section - and we don't eat there anyway, so it's my desk. I'll be working on it as I can throughout the weekend. Life is so full, and I'm so busy right now that it's filling up slower. I'll post pictures as I get the six sections filled out.
Today, I'm going to work on my sentence a bit, and hopefully some freewriting. It's a day disrupted by weather. Storm is now just starting, with rain and sleet, and we're down to about 2 inches for our area now. I'm sure son and hubby will be in and out. For now, hubby went to work to try to make an impression and not be included in the upcoming lay offs, and my son went to play Warcraft at a friend's house.
My "I Fear" cluster has more financial security items in it this time. That lay-off scare is new as of yesterday. Even my muse worries. Guess I should make her reread week one. LOL
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