Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Creative Need invades my Dreams

I went for about four days working on work and such with no time to create my own writing. My dreams suffered. Whenever I don't let my mind play during the day, it plays at night. I get grumpy, downright hormonal and just plain out of sorts. I did all of that this time.

And then last night it really affected my dreams. I had an important dream - I know it was going to mean something, but I couldn't focus on it. In it, I lived in a city of stone houses and stone walkways. Christianity was banned in the world. I went with another friend to this guy's house where there were more people. This guy was a renegade pastor and I know I had a crush on him and he on me. Most of the context was completely lost. All I really got in was our feelings for one another and that his bathroom was messy. LOL

My mind was creativity-deprived. It kept interfering with the dream. I'm supposed to be walking with these people, interacting in the pastor's house. And my mind makes me stop look around and think, "Wow! I created this whole city. This is my world! I made this!" And of course, it wanders into a friend's character from her novel and I have to suffer the terrible aches her character does before the dream ends.

I knew then I better not skip more than a day of writing from now on.

I did have another dream about my mom and me in a tornado. Not a good one, but I made sure to draft it out. It could be turned into a flash piece, if I can pull it off.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

writing status

I got writing time today ... I got writing time today... (insert happy dance) Not as much as I really needed for a full chapter, but I did manage to get almost 1000 words before the troops started coming in and yelling "Mom!" "Hey what's this?" etc....

Currently writing an article, story, and 2 novels in progress. I have ten of sixteen chapters left that I've been rewriting due to a very strange mishap. The one novel is all planned out in detail from beginning to end, in my head and in notes. I'm on the fourth chapter of its rough draft. The other novel had its first fifty pages written fifteen years ago and I'm reviving it for a complete write. I know where most of it is going already - have some notes on it built up.

The Journal

The writing journal ... I think I'm designating it 'The Me Journal'

I started it last night - with this idea on the first page "My Pathway to Me, To Finding My Future, Blazing the Trail of Accomplishment."

First section - drew picture of couch in front of window with lamp on the side and a cat snoozing away on it. Then started on the opposite page a list of things about myself that I'm comfortable with.

Second section - drew picture of someone's naked butt trying to sit down on a bed of nails, exclamation stars on each side and OUCH!! underneath. The opposite page lists things about myself that I'm uncomfortable with.

Next section - drew stars, a shooting star, and horse head. Opposite page lists things I want to see in my future.

Next section - drew a horse grazing under a tree, a large outdoor deck with a chair and table, and room with computer desk, window and relaxing chair, dog curled up, cat puffed up at dog. The opposite page listed things I need in order to achieve my goals and be productive.

Next section dealt with a personal problem - drew a hammer, nails, screwdriver, wrench. The opposite page dealt with my inability to fix things in my life anymore.

Hopefully, I'll get to add to it today.. but maybe not. I have boxes of books all over the living room floor and although my kitty enjoys snoozing among them, my husband doesn't like the clutter. And I need to work on the upstairs studio. Prepare for a yard sale and organize so that I can produce more artwork and write up there sometimes.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The writing...

I haven't been off line all this time. I've been working on websites and my editing journal. I've gotten some chapter work and articles done during my absence.

I'm getting ready to work on a writer's life journal that I'll try to update some of the posts with my thoughts here. I need to get my life organized to handle the full writing life and my way of doing so is working it all out on paper.

I'm inspired by Holly Lisle's 'Reinventing Myself' journal.