Monday, July 25, 2005

New material through life interference

I’ve got some writing progress made, just not as much as I wanted to. There’s been a few rough spots with family that’s taken time away - and then I’ve worked a bit extra hours because my boss (pastor) is leaving. That means I’ll be running the church office and duties alone until a new one is brought in - 2 mos through 2 yrs. Means more hours from now on - while I get the office lined up to work with just myself and carry on until a new full-time pastor comes in. I’ll probably be at work longer to answer phones and be able to use some of that time for writing though.

Even so, I’ve gotten a lot of non-fiction and world building work done. The best thing is I finally started working out the Christian Fantasy that I’ve been trying to get going for months. It’ll take awhile. My church’s pastor is very knowledgeable about combining Christianity and fantasy and science fiction. He’s going to be my advisor for the world building and development on this novel. He’s helping me learn some of what I need about the Biblical world view to help with the set up right now. And we’ve got plans for me to learn Greek. Even if I don’t end up using that knowledge here, I’ll be able to use it elsewhere.

I have a fantasy story that I wanted the Christian side of it strengthened to make it good for a Christian market. I have a Christian main character in a fantasy situation. Christians would obviously get it, but it’s too subtle for non-Christians. I think I’ll have more options for it once I implement some of the ideas he gave me.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Agent scam alert

This might be of some interest:

Thursday, July 07, 2005

need to catch up

Of the weekend marathon, I was able to get a little over half of the 5K in that I signed up for. Considering I didn't get to write as much as I thought I would, that's not bad.

I missed three thousand of my daily requirements because of editor work and newsletter week. I think if I do 1500 for the next three days I should be caught up. That shouldn't be too much of a problem. My daughter has state softball games Friday, Sat, and Sun. Once I figure out the transportation on this, I should be able to take a notebook and write while I'm there. If so, I'll end up with a lot more than what's required. That's ok with me.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

1535 words in

The marathons have started. I'm not doing as well as I normally do when I write. I have a 48 hour, 5K marathon I'm doing now. I'm 26 hours into it and only at 1535 words. Not that great of a job.

But I am starting a new novel.. yeah just what I need to go with the three in progress now. LOL I'm sure that once I get a few chapters started on this one and some world-building notes down, that it'll be done for awhile and can be put aside for its turn later. I just need to make sure to get the feelings and groundwork out so I can remember what I'm doing.

It'll be a Christian fantasy - A fantasy world good vs. evil type - where the good takes after Christian beliefs and the evil reflects Christian impression of Satan and Hell. It'll take some research and a year or two of spiritual studying to get this one right.

The other part of the marathon so far is a non-fiction article on a religious/social matter. I was stirred up by a conversation with my mother and just had to get it out. Still working on it - it's a long rant that I'll have to cut down for a market.