Monday, September 19, 2005

My created territory - South Reach

Some things about South Reach - the territory I deal with in TKQ and PLS, and a few others. Most of this is just author's information, but some of it comes out to the reader throughout the novel as it naturally occurs.

South Reach is bordered by water on three sides.

There are ten countries within South Reach, including the Berinal Isles.

Seven of the countries are mostly comprised of men. With them and also predominantly within their home country are the other races: Elves, Dwarves, Sol Nomen, Myads.

There is natural magic that resides in the land that anyone can use. It's minor, although a few individuals are very powerful. Flowing in lines from section to section of land intertwining at various 'sources' is the Forbidden, the magic of the gods. Only the gods are allowed to use this magic.

Each country serves the god who looks after it. Zuron is known as 'The Father of All'. Soon after he stopped living in the world and gave the land to man, he invited Nieralyn to live with him. She is the goddess of the Elves and their world, Ashly'n was dying. She brought the Elves with her. Together they created the other gods.

South Reach is a warm territory. There is no winter - snow is only in the high mountains.

The geography of South Reach varies from the the forested mountains to the rocky mountains, to the dry plains, to the lush grasslands and valleys. Food is plentiful, from rice in the lower wet coastlines, to fruits and vegetables from the plantations of the west, to the meat of the various livestock.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Novel Work

Tonight I'm up with coffee, determined to actually kick out some work.

So far, I've put down the basics of Oriel's Book … well, the planning stages of it. I'm trying a different method since this is a book that I have the beginning chapters laid out for and know where it's going to end up, but nothing of the inbetween. I'm experimenting with Holly Lisle's note card techniques and using her clustered questions for questioning your novel.

A Novel Pre-Writing Workshop: Asking the Right Questions -
The diagram of clustered questions -
Notecarding: Plotting Under Pressure -

I think they'll work very well for me, with just a little tweaking.

Current novel workload is:
The Knightens Quest - accumulating crits from workshop - sitting on side waiting its turn for a one pass only revision before going out. About ready to be picked up again - first week of October. Revision goal is to have them ready by mid-November.
Prophecy's Last Stand - in first drafts - synopsis complete - outline will develop as I go along (for some reason I do better if I write a chapter and then outline the next five chapters instead of doing it all beforehand - although I can complete the synopsis before anything is written. Strange.)
Oriel's Book (still not named, thinking of The Tamanth or The Last Treltic) - long ago I wrote the first few chapters and I have notes on the book at various places, but not a whole lot planned out. - this is the novel that will undergo the above process as I work on PLS.
Scarlet Wood - planning in notes as I think of ideas - offshoot involving Elves from TKQ - waiting its turn.
A Druid Mage's Heart - worked out in many notes- adding to those as they come - waiting its turn - actually takes place before TKQ so it developed out of the background notes I created for myself on South Reach and the Druid society
Plus a few more patiently sitting in their files waiting for me to have time for them.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Website Update

The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers website has articles posted now. Should read them. Very interesting for learning about the craft and the publishing of it.

Lack of Motivation/self-confidence

In my non-writing related life, it seems like everytime I try to do something right - it goes all wrong. I had the day to myself today and accomplished nothing. I couldn't get out of the "why do I try at all?" slump. Took me a long time, but I'm starting to come out of it. LOL of course it's 7:30 pm now.

It helped that when I checked in on the writer's blogs I follow that a few of them are talking about why they write and how they stick it out no matter what else is going on in their lives.

I had that determination - it left me though. I still have the desire, the pull to create, but something is really weighing me down. It could be stress. But I'm so completely tired. I've been thinking it's all mental, but I wonder if it's physical. I could be coming down with something - it is starting flu season again soon - and I've spent the day cleaning mold from a leak in the basement we misgaged where it came from. Hubby's been having headaches too.

Now that the air's off and I've cleaned it up ... maybe things will improve.

The stress is still there - in particular one little thing ready to blow up in my face. I pray that works out. I plan on checking on the update late tonight or early in morning - after I actually make some progress on something. I could use all the prayers I can get that this is resolved ... now. It should be. I did what I'm supposed to.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Revisions and Crits

A quiet weekend, cleaning house and just 'being'. Probably should do more.

I've managed to get five crits done and the prologue and chapter one for book two revised and posted on the boards.

Also got the rejection from Journey Books for Elusive Creatures. It didn't grab him. Surprised me. That is one of the best pieces. But it's just not for him. I know it's perfect for someone and plan on sending it out again this week.

I'd like to do more, but I think my partner is getting testy and feeling his 'down moodswing' coming on. Have a feeling I'm done now.

At least I have something done.