Monday, February 13, 2006

Writing Progress and New Sale

I sold another poem. This time, my poem "The Tulip Fairies" will appear in the July, 2006 issue of Beyond Centauri, a pring magazine for younger readers. The poem will be accompanied by artwork made specifically for it by Ron Leming.


I have one more poem out there now awaiting on a rejection or acceptance. Time to get more sent out.

I also found out that the editor who accepted my last two poems will be at a convention at the end of next month just three hours north of me. So I've made plans to attend two of the three days of the convention - first and third. They're also running a short story contest with it. I have two that are close to fitting the word count. One I have to cut about 300 words from, the other I have to add 500. I know I can cut the one - have to work with the other one to see if I can really add to it. I think I can. That's the work for this week, as I have to have them emailed by Friday to meet the deadline.

Other than that, I'm working on another story I just received five crits for and hope to send that out next week at the latest. My daughter now has my manuscript and plenty of paper to make notes on as she reads THE KNIGHTENS QUEST. I'm studying about character development, talking of future writing goals with my husband, and working on the roughs of the chapters for PROPHECY'S FINAL STAND.