Botched week, decent weekend
My plans for time off last week was cancelled. Two members at the church I work for died last week and at the same time the interim has a family emergency. So I was doing stuff I normally do and the organizing that's usually handled out of the pastor's office.
Through fighting for energy and the right atmosphere, I got about 3000 words out. It's taken me to chapter four in PFS.
This weekend has proven better though. Even though I was still busy with stuff both days I managed to get out over 2000 words. No chapter work. I did worldbuilding for BOE Saturday and a non-fiction article Sunday. I'm very happy with the results.
It's a good start to the April/May Dares for Forward Motion. I'm doing the novel writing, short stories, poems, non-fiction, world building, and total word count dares this time.
We've got funerals the next two days and then preparations for Holy Week, but if... if I can manage it all, maybe I can keep up on the dares on a daily basis.
Wouldn't that just be so cool!