midnight, January 15th, 2007
The last few months have been really slow in the writing area. When I am working, it's mainly on organizing ideas, world building, story notes, etc. Ideas on working things out have been coming like crazy to me, so that's where I've been concentrating. Need to get get some story and poetry work done also.
Big reason has been the work for the anthology and web coding. Having fun there! My coding skills have really grown over the last year and I'm enjoying myself.
I became serious about the write in revisions for TKQ this past weekend. Even fighting a major headache, I got about 11 chapters write ins completed. Now I'm at some chapters that need complete rewrites instead of just revisions. I'm really really hoping I can get through those this week, but also know it may not be a realistic goal.
The cold and flu season has snagged my household. And I have major work to do on the magazine and anthology for the next few weeks. That takes time. I need to take a few days off of work to catch up, but with annual meeting to prepare for, the annual report to design, yearly audit, newsletter, and yearbook all crammed together, there's no time for days off. Maybe February...