Monday, November 28, 2005

Publication News

On this blustery dreary day that did not go as I planned, I woke to a happy email. Between Kisses has accepted my reprint poem "The Phantom Wolf" for their December newsletter.

This is my first dollar made in publication. All the rest were non-paying. Woohoo! Told hubby I'm framing it when I get it. LOL

I'm tickled pink … I've invested about $500 so far publishing other people. This is the first dollar that’s come to me!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dagan and changes

While I've been reviewing my order of events and the things I have happen in the novel, I've noticed that Dagan's personality changed from book one to book two. By the end of book one, he's a confident leader. At the beginning of book two, he's struggling again to have the appearance of a king. It doesn't jive, so I'm going to rewrite that. I don't think it'll take much. He does need to be a little nervous. He is asked to accompany Taun and Chadric to see the Father of All, Zuron - a superior god and one he doesn't worship like they do. So it would be awkward. But he should still have confidence.

I've figured out where he meets Shania - I'm thinking it's best to add her to the list of characters who get pov scenes.

Also, Dragonlady has helped me figure out a new name for Gank that captures his personality better. He's now Gaerwyn. That's probably the spelling for it that I'll settle - have to see what it reads like once I replace Gank with it.

Friday, November 04, 2005

NaNo not so good for me

I've been trying to work NaNoWriMo this month. They want you to write of something you're not invested in.... how is a writer not invested in their work and the characters? I tried creating something on the fly and I think I have a future novel started, but it's not grabbing me right now. I already have book two in the process and it's taking my attention.

I really tried to get away from it and write this new thing, but it seems I can only do that for non fiction, as I ended up with pages of stuff to build for my devotional book, or short stories or poems.

A new novel that's not already in the works is not an option for me right now. I'm notecarding one while writing another, and taking research notes on a third one in between time. I think this routine is going to work well for me.

Copywriting plans are really moving forward. I'm still working on a few jobs for churches and have another one coming up, plus someone let me know they want some website text work done. Nothing that will bring in the bucks right now, but at least I'm building my portfolio. And I'm financially to the point where I can take the mentoring course and be able to really start getting into the business.